Appliance Repair in Pasadena

Professional Appliance Repair Services in Pasadena

Even though Pasadena was first established in 1886 it never became as famous as some of the nearby cities. It’s always been overshadowed by Los Angles and Beverly Hills. It wasn’t until the wildly successful television show, The Big Bang Theory hit the media that the world started to take an interest in the hard working city of Pasadena.

While not everyone who calls Pasadena home shares the same geekish tendency that the Big Bang crew embodies, the city is the home of many hardworking folks. They put in long hours and are very self-sufficient.

Most of the people who live in Pasadena eat at least one meal that they prepare at home with the help of their residential appliances. In order for these appliances to work properly, there are some things Pasadena residents need to keep in mind. That is, getting the quality support from the local appliance repair professional. Call to schedule an appointment or drop us a line on our site to get more information.

Refrigerator Repair Service

We get a surprising number of calls from people who don’t think their refrigerator is working properly because their food doesn’t feel very cold. While there are several reasons for this, many of our Appliance Repair Pros technicians have responded to calls that ended up being nothing more than a refrigerator being crammed too full of food. In addition to making sure that you haven’t accidentally crammed food up against the vents, you need to make sure there’s enough room for the air to flow between the food items, cooling them completely. If you do this often, you will eventually have to call out for refrigerator repair services.

Stove Repair Service

The great thing about a stove is that they really aren’t all that complicated. The main thing you need to watch is that you keep the burners clean so that the food cooks evenly. If you have a newer model stove that has digital control panels keep your owner’s manual handy so that you can see what the different symbols mean. In some models an error message merely indicates that a pot isn’t balanced properly. If you have a more serious problem, contact us about our stove repair services.


If you have an oven that won’t turn on make sure that the power source is still properly connected. You should also check all of the fuses and make sure none have gotten blown. Run the self-cleaning cycle a couple times a month if you use your oven heavily and contact Appliance Repair Pros at least once a month to have us check out your stove/oven and make sure it’s working properly. This can save you from having to call us for oven repair in Pasadena.

Keep in mind that the more features your oven has, the greater the likelihood that something will go wrong.

Regular maintenance work and using some common sense will keep most of your household appliances running properly, but if you start to sense something isn’t quite right, you shouldn’t continue using them. Continued use will lead to additional damage and might even make it impossible to replace the piece of equipment. Call us instead. We offer same day service, even on weekends and holidays, reasonable rates, and promise to honor the estimates we provide.

No matter what make or model appliances you own, we have members of our staff qualified to handle the repairs.

The sooner you call, the sooner we can restore your appliances to their previous glory.


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